sábado, 7 de junio de 2014

A surreal “Split or Steal” game?

“Golden balls” was a popular British game show aired between 2007 and 2009. With around 2 million viewers per episode, it became ITV network’s summer hit in 2007 (Brook, 2007). One of the most interesting and controversial parts of the game show was its final round (Raine, 2009), when participants are confronted to an ultimate game called “Split or Steal?”, a one-shot game with characteristics of a weak Prisoner’s dilemma. The design of the “Split or Steal?” game followed the pattern used in previous shows, such as the 2001 British game show “Shafter” or the 2002 American game show “Friend or Foe?”.

Keep reading.../Sigue leyendo... [https://www.academia.edu/7279544/A_surreal_Split_or_Steal_game]

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